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Animal Toys

The Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans all produced similar posable wooden dolls and animals.

This type of toy had wide appeal during the Victorian period.  Jointed figures and animals would be kept in a box for playing with on rainy days or during long train journeys.

“if I had a donkey that would not go,

Would I beat him? Oh no, no.

I’d put him in a barn and give him some corn,

The best little donkey that ever was born”.

This poem was the basis for a song written by Jacob Beuler.  His song was used by Richard ‘Humanity” Martin, the founder of the RSPCA, to help bring in the ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act’ (1822).

PO Box 5514,  Matlock,  DE4 5ZP              01629 760154         mob - 07860 966251